Advanced Git Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide with Practical Examples

Cherry-picking a commit in Git workflow
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Mastering advanced Git techniques can help developers efficiently manage complex workflows, improve collaboration, and streamline project histories. This guide delves into rebasing, cherry-picking, stashing, bisecting, Git hooks, and resolving complex merge conflicts with practical examples and case studies.

Setting Up the .NET Core Sample Project

Before diving into advanced Git techniques, let’s set up a .NET Core project for context.

  1. Create a new .NET Core Console Application:
dotnet new console -n GitDemoApp
cd GitDemoApp

Expected Result:

The template "Console App" was created successfully.

2. Initialize a Git repository:

git init

Expected Result:

Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/GitDemoApp/.git/

Now, let’s explore the advanced techniques.

1. Rebasing: Streamlining Commit History

Rebasing applies commits from one branch to another to create a cleaner, linear history. This is particularly useful in collaborative projects.

Case Study: Resolving Divergent Histories

Scenario: A developer working on a feature branch realizes the main branch has moved ahead with critical updates. Merging the branches would clutter the history with unnecessary merge commits.


  1. Switch to the feature branch:
git checkout feature-branch

Expected Result:

Switched to branch 'feature-branch'

2. Rebase onto main:

git rebase main

Expected Result:

Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/feature-branch.

3. If conflicts occur: Resolve them in the affected files and continue:

git add <file>
git rebase --continue

2. Cherry-Picking: Applying Specific Commits

Cherry-picking transfers specific commits from one branch to another without merging the entire branch.

Case Study: Applying a Hotfix to Main

Scenario: A hotfix branch contains an urgent bug fix that needs to be applied to main without including the rest of the branch’s changes.


  1. Identify the commit:bashCopy code
git log --oneline hotfix-branch

Expected Result:

a1b2c3d Fixed critical bug

2. Apply the commit:

git cherry-pick a1b2c3d

Expected Result:

[main a1b2c3d] Fixed critical bug

3. Stashing: Saving Temporary Work

Stashing saves uncommitted changes temporarily, letting developers switch branches without losing progress.

Case Study: Interruptions During Development

Scenario: A developer working on a feature branch is asked to resolve a priority issue on another branch but has uncommitted changes.


  1. Save changes:
git stash

Expected Result:

Saved working directory and index state WIP on feature-branch.

2. Switch to another branch:

git checkout main

Expected Result:

Switched to branch 'main'

3. Restore changes:

git stash pop

Expected Result:

Changes applied from stash.

4. Bisecting: Debugging with Binary Search

Bisect identifies the commit that introduced a bug using binary search.

Case Study: Debugging a Performance Issue

Scenario: A performance regression was introduced somewhere in the last 20 commits.


  1. Start bisecting:
git bisect start

Expected Result:

Bisecting: 10 revisions left to test.

2. Mark commits as good or bad:

git bisect good
git bisect bad

3. Stop bisecting:

git bisect reset

Expected Result:

Finished bisecting.

5. Git Hooks: Automating Workflows

Git hooks automate tasks like enforcing standards or notifying teams of changes.

Case Study: Enforcing Commit Message Standards

Scenario: A team wants to ensure that all commit messages adhere to a specific format.


  1. Create a commit-msg hook:
nano .git/hooks/commit-msg

2. Add a rule to ensure messages start with a capital letter:

if ! grep -q "^[A-Z]" "$1"; then
    echo "Error: Commit message must start with a capital letter."
    exit 1

Make the hook executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg

Expected Behavior: When committing, if the message starts with a lowercase letter, the hook will prevent the commit.

6. Reflog: Recovering Lost Commits

Merge conflicts occur when changes in different branches overlap. Complex conflicts require careful manual resolution.

Case Study: Merging Two Active Feature Branches

Scenario: Two feature branches have overlapping changes to the same file.


  1. View the reflog:
git reflog

Expected Result:

a1b2c3d HEAD@{0}: commit: Added feature
b2c3d4e HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from main to feature-branch

2. Reset to a previous state:

git reset --hard HEAD@{1}

Expected Result:

HEAD is now at b2c3d4e.

7. Git Mergetool: Simplifying Conflict Resolution

Reflog tracks references to commits, even those not part of any branch.

Case Study: Recovering a Detached HEAD Commit

Scenario: A developer accidentally detached HEAD and lost track of a commit.


  1. Set up the merge tool:
git config --global merge.tool meld

2. Open the tool:

git mergetool

Expected Result: Meld or another merge tool will open, allowing you to resolve conflicts visually.


Advanced Git techniques, such as rebasing, cherry-picking, stashing, bisecting, and using hooks, empower developers to manage complex workflows efficiently. By applying these techniques to a .NET Core project, you can streamline your development process, debug effectively, and maintain a cleaner commit history.

For more advanced tips, visit Git’s official documentation. Practice these commands regularly, and they’ll soon become indispensable in your development toolkit.


Git rebasing reapplies commits from one branch onto another, creating a linear commit history. It’s best used when you want to update a feature branch with the latest changes from main without creating merge commits.
Cherry-picking allows you to apply a specific commit from one branch to another without merging the entire branch. This is useful for transferring bug fixes or isolated features between branches.
Git stashing temporarily saves uncommitted changes, allowing you to switch branches or work on other tasks without losing progress. It’s ideal for managing interruptions during development.
Git bisect uses binary search to identify the commit that introduced a bug. You mark commits as good or bad, and Git narrows down the range until it finds the problematic commit.
Git hooks are scripts that run automatically during Git events, like commits or merges. For example, you can use a commit-msg hook to enforce commit message standards or notify teams of changes.
When Git reports a merge conflict, open the conflicted files, look for the conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>), and manually resolve the differences. Once resolved, stage the files and commit the changes.
Yes, you can recover lost commits using git reflog, which tracks references to commits even if they’re not part of a branch. Identify the commit in the reflog and reset your branch to it.
git merge combines changes from one branch into another while preserving the commit history. git rebase reapplies commits to create a cleaner, linear history. Use merge for collaborative workflows and rebase for cleanup.
Squashing commits is ideal when you want to combine multiple small or intermediate commits into one meaningful commit, typically before merging a feature branch into main.
Git worktree allows you to work on multiple branches simultaneously by creating separate working directories. This is particularly useful for parallel development or code reviews.